Stefan Larsson

The Irish Fly Fair - Killyhevlin Hotel, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh
16th & 17th November 2024


Stefan Larsson at The Irish Fly Fair
I live in the small town of Alvdalen in the central parts of Sweden where I run a Fly shop and guide service, Alvdalens Fiskecenter, with a good friend. Living with the woods, the rivers and the mountains a few steps from my door suits me perfect, so I’m still here.

I also write articles about fly fishing in Swedish Fly magazines FiN and AoF and I never go anywhere without that camera hanging over my shoulder. My big passion in life is fly-fishing streams, creeks and rivers. I was born and raised near river Osterdalalven and I’ve been fishing that river and its tributaries since I was a kid.

The last eleven years when fall arrives, I’ve been ending up slinging bugs in Montana, USA – including detours into Colorado, Idaho and Wyoming. Took a couple of trips to Greenland as a guide and I’ve also had the opportunity to fish a few of England’s beautiful streams. Dry fly fishing for spooky trout is what it’s mainly about for me, though I do hook up with a grayling or two now and then. Most of the time in the company of my dog, Simms.

Been fly fishing for over 45 years and I’ve been tying flies almost as long. A lot of my time is spent by the vise, tying flies both for my own fly box and at fairs around Europe. My tying is ruled by my fishing, since I intend to fish with all the flies I tie. Tiny dries for big trout is my thing.

My heart always belonged to trout and I'm involved in a few river restoring projects as well. Check out the film “The Wicked” on Youtube. I am also the chairman of the board in one of the Fishery conservation areas in my home river.

If I’m not fishing (rare, but it might happen) I’m tying flies somewhere, writing articles about fly fishing, out there using my cameras, holding lectures about Single Malt Whisky or Fly Fishing, hunting Capercaillies or singing and slinging bass in a small rock band called ZZ Trout.

Looking forward to meet you all again – stop by for a lie and a dry.

Sponsors of the IFF 2024 at The Irish Fly Fair